Bonjour! Je m'appelle Roxane!
The story of French Rox started in 2012 when I arrived in Australia. I was pleasantly surprised to observe that so many people were multilingual in Australia, as they have a foreign background, but on the other hand I was disappointed to see that languages are not compulsory at school. As a French native speaker, with many years of training and teaching experience, and post graduate in business coaching (University of Paris 8, 2011), I decided to spread my love for the French language and culture. I quickly became very passionate about this! I have helped hundreds of children, students and adults to find the motivation required to learn a language, and to consistently develop their ability to communicate and interact in French. I completed certifications in Intercomprehension of Roman Languages (2016) and in Teaching French as a Foreign Language (Alliance Française de Vichy - 2017). My strength lies in developing good relationships with my students and providing a relaxed atmosphere, allowing students to feel comfortable speaking in French, an essential exercise in learning a new language! I am focused on enabling students to develop all aspects of the French language while having fun also! |